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VOX Investigates Dating Violence and Healthy Relationships

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In 2013, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that Georgia ranks 3rd in the nation for the highest amount of teen-reported cases of physical abuse in a relationship.

The issue of teen dating violence is incredibly prevalent among Atlanta youth, and it is an issue the VOX Investigates spring team is ready to tackle. Throughout this semester, 10 teen journalists who make up VOX Investigates have committed to investigating, researching and reporting on topics of healthy relationships and dating violence. We will conduct interviews and research in the field, develop stories and art, and publish content to educate our peers about the various aspects of dating violence.

On Jan. 9, the VOX Investigates team gathered to begin exploring the topic for this semester. Two ambassadors from the Partnership Against Domestic Violence joined us to share some information about teen dating violence, and we had the opportunity to share our reflections from the day and hopes for the semester.  

  • Lizzie Likness, VOX Investigates Intern, 16, Homeschool

I didn’t know…

The only knowledge that I have about dating violence or dating in general is through what I’ve seen on TV or in school or through my mother, father and friends have told me. Today has been a very heavy yet insightful day for me. I gained knowledge on a subject that I have been exposed to but not necessarily familiar with.

  • Alexandria Wilson, 18, North Atlanta High School

This is real.

I imagine dating violence is a heavy weight on the shoulders of one who’s experienced it. This concept was not brought up in the circles I frequent. The elephant in that particular room didn’t exist. Until now. This is real. This is freaking real. Aside from some elements I’ve known, this is so real. I wonder where we’ll go. How far. And if we’ll resurface the same.

  • Catherine Boyd, 18, Maynard Jackson High School class of 2015

We have to take action.

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Abusive relationships and domestic violence in general are both subjects I am very passionate about. It feels good to discuss these topics with others, but it also feels weird. I guess to some extent I feel like there’s not any point to just sitting around and talking about it; we need to be out there fixing the problem. But I also know that discussion is helping.

  • Maddy Laing, 15, Lakeside High School

To add your voice, join us at the #PADVTeenSummit. Click here for details and registration. It’s free!

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