Atlanta Teen Voices / all

VOX is where teens speak and Atlanta listens. You can share your own (nonfiction) story, letter, or poem here — and get published! To share your story, submit online here or email

Book bans have become a contentious issue across the United States, and Cobb County is no exception. In March 2023, Katie Rinderle, an elementary school teacher in Cobb County, read “My Shadow is Purple,” a children’s book about acceptance and challenging gender norms, to her fifth-grade class. This led to her being placed on administrative…

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The NBA has been on a little bit of a viewership downfall, with an estimated 12 percent drop in playoff viewers this season as opposed to last season.  Many people have different opinions about the NBA Finals, but also just the state of the NBA currently. VOX ATL interviewed several basketball fans to get their…

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