Partner with VOX ATL!

Teens don’t have to join the teen staff to join the fun!

Teen-serving organizations & schools can partner with VOX ATL to amplify youth voices! Here’s how: 

Students at North Springs High School published two podcasts and several written articles during our four-part workshop series in 2023!

Book a self-expression & skills workshop* for teens:

  • “Grab the Mic” – self expression & media-making options 
  • Self-expression through poetry 
  • Journalism topics & series options 
  • Facilitation skills – support for teen leaders 

Descriptions are below and on our request form

Schedule a field trip to VOX ATL:

  • All workshops (above) can be hosted at VOX to experience our youth-led environment.
  • Record a podcast, make a video, write poetry at VOX ATL’s downtown teen office.
  • Specify your request to visit VOX on our request form

Co-host a focus-group, open mic or teen-led forum with us. 

Book teen talent:

  • an Atlanta Youth Poet Laureate or YPL Ambassador to perform at your event 
  • a trained youth emcee to support your event 
  • Contact Rachel or Charaun to discuss opportunities and fees.

Book a training for your team of adults who work with youth:

  • What is youth voice / youth voice as an element of quality youth development  
  • Intro to Youth-Adult partnerships 
  • Customized trainings for your staff & board
  • Contact Rachel or Charaun to discuss opportunities and fees.

We’ll work with your group to help teens create content through peer-led workshops and other self-expression activities. VOX ATL’s workshops, talent bookings and creation stations at events are available by request and availability.

Organizations or school representatives can click here to share your request.

Or feel free to download our partnerships overview (at left) to share wtih colleagues.

Scheduling: After you request your VOX ATL in-person or virtual session, a VOX ATL staff member will reach out to you to coordinate a date and time for your session.


VOX ATL’s “What’s your Spark” virtual workshop with teens from Ushers New Look included break-out rooms by grade level.


VOX ATL Workshop Topics

(75-90-minute sessions customized for each group)

Self-expression: “Grab the mic — what do you speak up for?” A session focused on supporting individuals in a group speaking up about a community issue / social justice topic the group is passionate about. Participants will speak-up and make media about their social justice topic. Writing and art options are available for individuals, group media projects can include podcast or video*. Two-part series are recommended where possible. 

Self-expression & advocacy: “Your voice – your power”  A session for youth who already know what they are passionate about and want to craft persuasive messages about their topic. Participants will write an op-ed or letter for publication, and/or design social media posts promoting their advocacy agenda. 

Journalism trainings – We create custom trainings for teens using the tools of journalism to increase written communications skills, media literacy (solid vs. sketchy sources), interviewing skills, writing strong feature and persuasive articles, developing a podcast, and more. One topic per workshop. 

Facilitation trainings – These trainings are for youth who want to build community, lead groups and lead community conversations. Training session options (build on each other) 

  • Facilitation 101
  • Facilitation in the Digital Space, keeping your groups interactive & engaged (must have 101 session first)
  • Public Speaking

Youth voice in your organization – This training is for youth, adults serving a youth organization, or youth and adults together to increase understanding about how to incorporate youth voice to strengthen an organization and its work. Good for strengthening youth advisory boards and for organizations that want to increase stakeholder engagement. 

Please email Rachel with questions or to discuss these options, or submit your request by clicking this publishing and workshop agreement.

Silence the Shame and Free Your Feels mental health awareness campaign are just one of the valuable partnerships we appreciate to amplify youth voices around topics teens prioritizie — like mental health!

You can also sign up here to receive headlines & highlights — monthly e-news from VOXATL, as well as free copies of our print edition at your school or community organization.

We publish special print editions twice per year. Papers can be mailed to teen-serving organizations, or dropped off at your location. Please fill out this form to receive free copies of VOX for teens. Returning partners, please sign up again even if you have received copies in the past.

For questions or information: 

To speak with someone at VOX ATL about our community workshops, please contact 

For more information about distributing VOX ATL papers or having VOX ATL come to your event, please contact