While "Barbie" might not be the most thought provoking, serious and gritty film of the award season, it’ll forever remain in the cultural zeitgeist because it meant something to so many people and brought me joy when I needed it most. Read on
Identity / all
Anime has so many characters with amazing stories, but when it comes to the women and girls in the story, they are boiled down to bland shells of a character. Read on
Despite rampant issues with the trailer, the thing that surprised me the most was the number of viewers upset that the film has gone too “woke.” My social media feeds, classrooms, and discussions among friends have been awash with overwhelmingly out-of-touch social commentary, made increasingly apparent by the new “Mean Girls” trailer of all things. Read on
Hip-hop became more than a beat, some instruments, and words. It became a way for the people to finally have a voice in issues that the government had attempted to silence. Read on
For years, I struggled with this feeling of being a fraction — part of a whole. There was my white side, my Asian side, and the side that wanted to please everyone else. Read on
Being Black in general is a huge part of who I am. Race is essential for African Americans as a way that we connect to one another, but living outside of the U.S, is a different story. Most people can’t imagine leaving their comfort zone which might be a state or city. I have the… Read on