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Teens Make Video about Racial Profiling by Police

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We are students at Paideia School in Atlanta, Georgia, and our eighth grade class is currently studying the various issues related to race in today’s society. For our class project, we chose to create a video that shows how racial profiling affects each person of color, regardless of his or her economic background.

In this video, we interview Paideia parents of color and ask them to share their personal stories and views on racial profiling. We hope you will share this video with others in our community in order to spread our message.

 This video was created by Paideia School Junior High students, Lainey McCord, 13; Hannah Searles, 13; Jacob Sencer, 14; and Katherine Shue, 14. 

Related: “The Racial Wage Gap: Crippling People of Color’s Wallets Since 1492”

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