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All photos taken by Sage Simon-Pressi

The Story Behind the Scar [PHOTO ESSAY]

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I made this photo easy to share so that you don’t have to be ashamed of scars, and to let people know that scars are proof of surviving a tough battle. Mental health is just as important as physical health and scar tissue is just as valid as mental scarring. I took these pictures of fellow VMCers, and Bloomberg employees we met during a field trip.

Katharine: Heart surgery scar


Shelby: Scar from accidentally stabbing myself in my sleep


Reagan: I got “attacked” by my 12-year-old cousins.
Maurice: “I fell and glass got stuck in my knee.”
Bloomberg employee: X ray burn
Hailey: Scar on knee from falling off scooter
Hailey: Feel off a scooter, again
Amari: “I got cut on my stomach from rubbing on sharp sink.”
Amari: “I tripped when running to catch the bus. Also, when running track I jumped a hurdle and landed on my knee.


Amari: When learning how to ride a bike in the rain, her aunt pushed her a little too hard.
Bloomberg employee: Forehead scar


Reagan: Stretch marks.
Bailey: Surgery from roller skating accident

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