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Stuck in Rebecca’s Suitcase #2: ‘Hamilton’ Dreams Come True in NYC

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VOX staffer Rebecca, 16, is eager to share about her adventures on her three-week family vacation. Her first stop was in Washington D.C. Now she takes us on her next adventure in the Big Apple. 

Today was probably one of the best days of my life. Our next destination on this odyssey was New York City. It has been my dream since I was seven that I would go to New York and see a Broadway show. When your dream finally comes true, it is such an amazing feeling!

As we were entering Times Square, I could feel my heart flutter. It was hard to believe such a beautiful city like New York exists. The bustle of diverse people, the flashing lights on the screens, and the occasional rappers trying to make a living on the streets made me feel like I belonged to the city.

Rebecca at the theater
I finally made it to New York and get to pose in front of the theatre where “Hamilton” is performed.

Our first adventure was to see the Richard Rodgers Theatre, where the musical “Hamilton” is playing. I am a huge “Hamilton” fan, so as soon as I got there, I started taking pictures in front of the stage door and theater, and probably annoying my parents by spilling many interesting (at least to me) facts about the musical. I couldn’t help but plan out all the ways that I would win tickets to come see this show.

We would be in New York for one day and then we fly out right away to our next destination (you will find out soon). But in two weeks we will be coming back to NYC, and I’m motivated to win tickets to this incredible show.

While I was on this tangent of thought, my dad came up to me and said, “Hey, let’s go on the stage.”

For a second I thought he was kidding, but then a security guard followed my little brothers out of the main theater entrance and opened the side stage door. Apparently, my seven-year-old brother had sweet-talked the security guard into giving us a tour backstage. My little brother had assured the security guard that he knew every song from the musical and was about to sing it to him when the guard said, “If you are going to sing it, why not sing it on the actual stage?” I’m so glad nobody took a picture of me while Jimmy, the kind guard, was opening the stage door. The expression “my jaw dropped to the floor” seems like an understatement.

It was a Monday — break days for all Broadway actors and actresses — so none of the actors were there. First, Jimmy led us backstage and showed us where the male actors’ quick change. He even let my brothers touch the sword George Washington uses in the show.

Rebecca costumes
In a secret corner in the basement of the theatre, you can find all the costumes of the show. The first one caught my eye because the dress belongs to Hamilton’s wife, Eliza, in the show.

Then he led us onto the stage. I cannot begin to describe how mesmerized I felt. To be on the same stage where the famous actors danced and sang, and to look out at the empty theater was an experience I’ll never forget. Jimmy let us look around and climb up and down the stairs and platforms. He also let my little brothers hold the pistols with which Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton duel. Our time on the stage came to a close with my brothers and me singing in full voice the song “You’ll Be Back” from the musical —  the happiest moment of my life.

Jimmy then showed us the girls’ quick-change area, and I quickly recognized some of the dresses that the lead actresses in “Hamilton” wear in the show. We also got to see the dressing room of Leslie Odom Jr. (who plays Aaron Burr, vice president to Thomas Jefferson). I had seen many pictures of backstage and live videos of the actors on Facebook, but to be in the actual backstage area where the actors spend most of their time and where the magic happens was an unforgettable memory. I also realized that by watching so many live videos, I knew my directions and where everything was in the backstage area (unlike in D.C).

By this point, I have overloaded all of you with so many adjectives about my once-in-a-lifetime experience backstage at “Hamilton.” Thanks to my brothers’ naive bravery and talkative personality, which finally came in handy, my family and I were able to experience something that people who come see the show for hundreds of dollars can only dream of.

This backstage tour convinced me even more that miracles and dreams really do come true. I can’t wait to tell you about my next travel destination. I’ll give you one hint: It’s across the Atlantic Ocean.


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