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‘Be Pretty, Not Petty’

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VOX’s Atlanta Teen Voices program invites teens to share their original creations for publication.

G.E.M.S. and Jewels Empowerment Group for Girls decided to partner with VOX to do just that. G.E.M.S. hosted an event, along with Teen Angels Society this spring called “Be Pretty, Not Petty,” at Spelman College.

The goal was to “put aside those petty beliefs [about] beauty and show girls how to start embracing their ‘pretty’ within.” Some participants decided share their reflections through VOX.

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Be Pretty, Not Petty! 

KendallBy Kendall Jarrett, age 13

Pretty Girls stay the same

Be strong independent girls

Who work hard and strive for everything

Petty Girls, please change your ways

Please don’t be messy

And a drama queen everyday

Pretty Girls are girls who care for others

And are very strong

Petty Girls are girls

Who don’t care about others

And like to start some mess

So whatever you are

Or whatever you want to be

Just know that Petty loses

And Pretty Always wins!


JasmineBy Jazmyne J., age 13

The way I see beauty is not from what clothes you wear or how your hair looks, but what is on the inside.

Beauty is love, happiness, bravery, confidence and so much more. That’s what I think of beauty.



By Tayler S., age 17

My perception of beauty equates to the realization of the world around us. Beauty is uniqueness and originality. Beauty is not conforming to other people’s standards. Beauty is understanding that flaws may be just as intriguing as perfections. Beauty is appreciating every detail of life. Beauty is a mindset.


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Kamariah BBy Kamariah B., age 12 

The thing I enjoyed most at the “Be Pretty Not Petty” program was when we made bows about how we felt about ourselves. I choose the purple bow, which means confident. I learned that you don’t have to be petty to be pretty or just to fit in, and that you can be pretty without being petty. I also learned that you don’t have to hold in your insecurities. When I was at the program I felt happy and confident to speak among other tweens and I didn’t have to be afraid of anything. Overall, I had a great experience at the “Be Pretty Not Petty” program. I recommend all of my friends to come to this program, because this program will let them know you don’t have to be petty to be pretty or just to fit in because you can be pretty anytime.



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