Mental Health / all

VOX ATL’s mental health coverage and community workshops are funded by the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities. (DBHDD). Views expressed in this material are the work of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the GA DBHDD.

If you or someone you know needs help, please call or text one of these resources!

9-8-8 GAPlease call 9-8-8 if you or someone you know in Georgia is experiencing a mental health crisis. The 9-8-8 line serves all languages and also has a chat function. 

Georgia Crisis & Access Line — (GCAL) – 1-800-715-4225, available 24/7. The free MYGCAP app is specific for teens, too, and has a chat function! 

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – 1-800-273-TALK (8255) also offers 24/7 connection with a trained counselor at a local crisis center, or Text “START” to 741-741

The Trevor Project – Suicide prevention hotline for LGTBQ youth ages 13-24, 24/7/365. Text START to 678-678 to connect to a counselor “who is understanding of LGBTQ issues and won’t judge …. messages are anonymous.”

notOK app is a free digital panic button created by local teens to get immediate support via text, call, or GPS location when you’re struggling to reach out.

The topic of migration and immigration have been running across headlines and sparking interest in the media more and more within the past few years. However not too many people realize that they interact with migrants, immigrants, refugees and families literally everyday. In this podcast series, VOX ATL teen staff reporter Bailey speaks to immigrants,…

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VOX ATL was invited to bring the mic to teens at Discovery High School in Gwinnett County to guide them in sharing their thoughts on topics that were meaningful to them.  Among them were mental health, self-care and building school culture. Read below to see what teens at Discovery High School had to say. *Teens…

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This video talks about the reasons why teens are not getting enough sleep, and it gets perspective from different people from the ages of 13-18 about their sleep schedule, as well as advice from a medical professional.   VOX ATL invites all Georgia youth to speak up through our annual survey! It’s anonymous, easy to…

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