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Aries (March 21-April 20): Be careful, Aries! Venus in Aries can create a very romantically impulsive time, so be sure you really have feelings for someone before you go after them! This is also a good time to get work done, so be sure to take some time away from your romantic adventures to get some work done!

Your April VOX Horoscopes!

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Aries (March 21-April 20) 

Be careful, Aries! Venus in Aries can create a very romantically impulsive time, so be sure you really have feelings for someone before you go after them! This is also a good time to get work done, so be sure to take some time away from your romantic adventures to get some work done!

Taurus (April 21- May 21) 

Get ready to have a productive month! Uranus in Taurus will lead to lots of work getting done. Be careful not to overwork yourself, though! This may stress you out, so be sure to take some time to relax.

Gemini (May 22- June 21) 

Be careful! Mars in Gemini can create a time full of pent-up emotions, so be sure to get those out before you talk to others. Try to relax and take care of yourself before doing work in order to avoid stressing yourself out.

Cancer (June 22- July 22) 

This April may bring up lots of emotions, even old ones. You may find yourself relying on others for help during this time, so be sure you have people who support you around! Also, make sure to take care of yourself to avoid stressing yourself out and getting upset with others.

Leo (July 23- August 21) 

Emotions may run high this month, Leo! Be sure to take a deep breath every once in a while and calm yourself down. This is a good month to spend time outside and go for lots of walks!

Virgo (August 22- September 23) 

This April you may feel the need to rely on perfectionism, so be sure to give yourself breaks every once in a while! Go with the flow and trust your intuition, as it will be correct a lot this month.

Libra (September 24- October 23) 

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Try something new, Libra! This month will be a great time to try new things and get creative. Don’t worry about being right or wrong, just go for it! Art will also be a good thing to try this April, so dust off those paintbrushes and get to creating!

Scorpio (October 24- November 22) 

Watch out, Scorpio! This month may be full of wild romantic adventures! Make sure to not let your emotions get the best of you, though. Think logically and be prepared for whatever is to come!

Sagittarius (November 23- December 22) 

The moon in Sagittarius this month may bring along some perspective shifting and new ideas. Be prepared to feel differently about something than how you felt before. Don’t stress out about this though! All changes will be for the better.

Capricorn (December 23- January 20) 

Be careful, Capricorn! This month you may feel as if you need to be your best and achieve the highest, so be sure not to compare yourself to others and to relax every once in a while. 

Aquarius (January 21- February 19) 

This April you might have your views on your work shifted, Aquarius. Due to Saturn being in Aquarius this month, you may feel the need to change how you work or even where. Be sure to trust your gut when making big changes!

Pisces (February 20- March 20) 

This month you may feel the need to communicate and work with others. Make sure to do it safely! Calm and quiet conversations will be best for you this month, so be sure to hang out with some people who don’t mind being quiet!


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