Vox blog: the story behind the story

2019 VOX Hall of Fame: Sonia Murray


Each fall at VOX ATL’s Homecoming event, we celebrate the latest inductees into the VOX Hall of Fame. This year we are excited to celebrate long-time VOX volunteer Sonia Murray. She is pictured above with the VOX teens and staff at a music review workshop she facilitated in September 2019. Read on to learn about Sonia’s work with VOX and why she continues to support our teens year after year! 

When did you first get connected to VOX?
I’m pretty sure it was when the Atlanta Journal-Constitution was on Marietta Street and VOX was in walking distance, across the street from the Tabernacle. If memory serves me correctly the two already had a relationship and Rachel invited me over. (Maurice JUST helped me remember that my first music review workshop involved the students critiquing T.I.’s debut single, “I’m Serious” – EIGHTEEN YEARS AGO!)

What’s a favorite memory of your time at VOX?
I honestly don’t have an unpleasant memory at VOX – part of the reason I’ve been volunteering for so long. It’s all been so great. I have to add it was an incredible honor and without question memorable when I saw in a VOX newsletter this past summer that the Kelly-Shah Alumni Award winner, Shonte Walton, joined VOX because she “wanted to be the next Sonia Murray.” YIKES!

Why do you continue to volunteer year after year?
It’s a reciprocal experience: I want to do whatever I can to keep people interested in storytelling, generally, and journalism and writing, specifically. I never really had that in high school. And the bonus, the neverending benefit to me is each time I spend time at VOX I’m inspired by not only the talents of the people involved, but by the kind of people participating. It makes me hopeful.

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Why is VOX necessary for the community?
Both teens and adults need safe, fun and supportive places like VOX to express themselves. A community is lesser without them.

What are 3 words you would use to describe VOX?
Important. Impactful. Inspiring.

What is your hope for VOX’s future?
I hope VOX is whatever it wants to be and wherever it wants to be in the future – and that I am a part of it!

Join us at VOX Homecoming on Saturday, October 19 as we celebrate Sonia and all our Homecoming Royalty! Tickets include dinner, drinks, dancing, silent auction and all the fun. If you can’t be there, sponsor a ticket for a VOX teen to attend!