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Opinion: Dear Black Lives Matter Allies, Your Message Cannot Be Ambiguous

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While there is much debate over the right way to protest in a time like this, Instagram users, specifically Instagram celebrities, have favored a new type of activism, one that I like to call “cryptic activism.”

This month’s #blackouttuesday” is the hashtag being heard around the world. Originally started by local artists on Tumblr such as V. Matthew King-Yarde, the hashtag uses “expect the greatest” as an attempt to show solidarity by refraining from promoting their art. However, it was popularized by celebrities such as Mick Jagger, Cardi B, Justin Beiber and Madonna as a half-a** way to promote the Black Lives Matter Movement. 

My feed, once filled with useful information about protesting safety precautions, important news updates and Go Fund Me links and petitions, was now completely taken over by self righteous allies spamming my feed. My feed was filled with confusing black screens, tagged only with #blackouttuesday. While I conceded that most people have no ill will in participating in the black-out, the lack of social awareness is insulting. 

While a white friend and I were chanting at the protest in Atlanta this month, an older white lady, taps my friend’s shoulder and like some sort of white Jesus from white heaven, declares that my friend should stop protesting so loudly because “at the end of the day, it doesn’t affect you.” 

This is the mindset that will make us lose the revolution. 

White people should not be taking a backseat silently posting black boxes “in solidarity.” They should be just as loud and just as angry. It is not Black vs. White, it’s Us vs. Racism. 

These black boxes are a sheer veil, giving us a view of how celebrities really feel about the Black Lives Matter movement.  “I am with you, but only because it’s good for business.”

Here is a list of ways to advocate for Black rights that make you intentions clear.



Homeless Black Trans Women Fund

This fund is for the community of Black Trans women that live in Atlanta and are sex workers and/or homeless.

Action Network Atlanta Solidarity Fund

READ  Buried [Poetry]


“A fund to support people in Atlanta who have been arrested for taking action against social injustice.”

Atlanta Black Owned Relief Inc.


“This fundraiser is for Atlanta Owned Black Business Owners affected by the protests, riots, and looting.”


NAACP legal defense fund

Black Lives Matter Organization Fund 



Resource center for black people struggling with mental illness

*Tip- Post online and ask someone to match your donation!



George Floyd Justice petition

Breonna Taylor Solidarity petition 

Justice for Amaud Aubrey


Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms: 404-330-6100

Governor Brian Kemp: 404-656-1776


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