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Aries (March 21-April 20)  Put on your helmet, Aries! This month will go fast and be full of productive energy. Things can often get out of control when they go…

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lavender puddles of terror originated between your fingers afraid it scuttles into corners on all fours it hides it stalks it shrieks it silences the scream of mysterious pain that…

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"The danger of idolizing politicians is that it puts them on a pedestal where they can never do anything wrong. That allows the politicians to basically do whatever they want and still remain in the public's favor."  Read on
"Society should not be a battle of men vs. women or the world vs. victims," writes VOX ATL's Alexandria Joel. "It should be everyone vs. the rapists." Read on
Why wouldn’t cavemen (and women) have parties? I’m sure those caves have great acoustics. It’s probably a rockin’ time. Read on
Many people living on the streets and facing poverty, in general, are forced to choose between necessary menstrual hygiene commodities and food because the products are overpriced. Read on