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Art illustration by Asia Rodney-Collins

VOX Teen Poetry: “Poison”

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lavender puddles of
terror originated
between your fingers
it scuttles into corners
on all fours
it hides
it stalks
it shrieks
it silences the scream of

mysterious pain
that seems to comes on fast
how long it will last
is a mystery unsolved
lavender gives noise of ragged breaths
aching with a suffocation pressing
clawing the air

a scratching away of calm
ticks away at your mind
burnt and loveless;
painful, devoured and helpless,
feeling a lot less alive
cries in its daydreams;
giggles in sorrowful screams,
faints and dies beneath daylight;
tortured and wounded by the sun

there’s an earthy blood-smell to lavender
surprises you when your nose gets too close
get past the modest skirted blooms
find the green blood of torn out flower
black dirt clings to tattered roots

it falls to pieces
falls to pieces
everywhere you go.

your lavender
hits the ground
and scatters
all around in

of flowers blooming
in all the sounds
of harmony
with a touch
which heals all
pain, and words
which soothe
during midnight

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About Asia Rodney-Collins

/VOX ATL Staff Writer

Asia is a storyteller at heart, using her love for music, art, and prose to explore our society. Her creative work is fueled by a deep curiosity and commitment to uncovering e...

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