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Our class is studying various issues related to race in today's society. For our class project, we chose to create a video that shows how racial profiling affects each person of color, regardless of his or her economic background. Read on
Valentine’s Day gets a great deal of fuss. This seemingly arbitrary date between New Year’s Day and spring break incites couples everywhere to present some tangible token of their love to their significant other. Heart-shaped chocolate boxes occupy rows upon rows in the Family Dollar candy aisle. Cutesy fliers for the Valentine’s Dance are plastered…

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The Anti-Racist Collective on my campus decided to put together a zine that delves into how we can come together during these next years. Even though many marginalized groups are being attacked, there are still those who sulk in their privileges and do not speak up for others. Read on
Events such as Teen Convene are especially important in the intense and divisive political climate that we are experiencing right now, because it encourages us to get out of our comfort zone, talk about controversial topics that need to be addressed, and connect with people who we may not usually have the opportunity to connect with. Read on
This movie is a direct response to white people asking us, “Why can’t you get over it? Why are you still mad?” The film replies quite beautifully, “Because it hasn’t ended.” Read on
Kehlani manages to switch your emotions from lit to sad to happy in a time span of 60 minutes in her first full-length album "SweetSexySavage." Read on