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Art by Christina Norris

VOX 5: How to Make Your Senior Year of High School a Success

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The feeling of being a senior in high school is like no other. It can be either extremely exciting or extremely terrifying. But the fact of the matter is, eventually your senior year is going to happen. But do not worry! As a former high school senior, I am here to give you five simple tips to make your senior year the best it can be.

Start Looking For A Career Path

If you decide that you want to attend college in the future, the earlier you start looking for schools to apply to, the better. It’s better to have plenty of time so you can see the many options you have, apply for scholarships and take tours around the campuses that interest you. Now, let’s say that you want to start working right after high school or you would like to be an entrepreneur. You can take the time to apply for jobs or formulate a business plan. You need to prepare for your future as soon as possible!

Focus On Your Schoolwork

I know school can be very boring and work seems like the last thing you would want to do as a senior. However, it is an absolute necessity to turn in all of your assignments on time. If you choose not to keep up with your grades, then it is very possible that you might not graduate. You wouldn’t want to repeat any years of high school, would you?

Be Involved In Extracurricular Activities

School may already be boring for you. But what’s going to make it even more boring is if you simply go to your classes and then go home. Most schools offer plenty of extracurricular activities, which is good because those activities serve as an opportunity to have fun and take a break from the typical classes. It’s very possible that you might find a new passion, a hobby, or a fun activity through these! You can even make some new friends by being involved!  It’s a good idea to at least try it.

Be Nice To Your Peers

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Speaking of making friends, it’s never too late to build new connections. You never know which ones you might build if you’re kind to the people around you. And, yes, you should be nice to everyone. Even the freshmen. You can really help them along their high school journey.

Have A Good Time!

I mean, this is your final year of high school! You don’t want to waste it away doing nothing. Go to all the dances! Go to all the events! Take your friends with you! It’s always more fun to have friends around. Above all else, try to keep a positive mindset and have a good time.

If you remember to do these things, I can guarantee that you will survive the adventure that is your high school senior year. Thank you for reading!


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