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We’re trapped. Trapped like kids in cages. Trapped like my ancestors for many ages. They take what’s ours and our piece of mind. So why don’t we come together and bring our hearts to intertwine? Welcome to America, Hope you enjoy your stay. But don’t be alarmed by the injustice, inequity, corruption or suppression. It happens everyday.

VOX Teen Poetry: Welcome to America

by share

Welcome to America where the government pays for your public school education as long as you agree to them subconsciously stripping you of your culture with lies.

Deny my truth with lies, but we all know what you’re trying to hide.

Find a reason to cover my eyes with your words that ends my mental state’s tragic demise. 

Welcome to America where “Oh yes, liberty and justice for all”…Until you’re Black, Latinx, Asian or gay. I’ve never seen a more “perfect union” so separated. 

Welcome to America where you “protect the elderly” but won’t give them free healthcare so they can have access to a healthier way of living besides it costing an arm and a leg without them losing their memory. 

You see what I did there? I made you think I was going to praise America where we grow the “richest,” but really. It’s just survival of the fittest. 

Welcome to America where they produce fatty foods to take the pain away, but you turn around and get body shamed everyday.

Still don’t think it’s a hell hole yet? I’m just getting started. 

Welcome to America where they set the minorities up, then leave us on the ground like some trash pickup. 

Put crack cocaine and Planned Parenthood in my neighborhood then call us “bums” because we can’t get jobs but don’t you think we would if we could? 

Welcome to America where they fill the rich neighborhoods with great private schools but the state looks down on public school kid’s test scores like they’re fools. 

Welcome to America where school shootings happen just as much as a high school graduation.

But Oh! Don’t worry because at least your child is getting a “good education.” 

Welcome to America where we grieve over a loss because a family member may be ill but we never grieve fully because “OH! Don’t forget to pay your hospital bill!” 

So don’t you see? As I point out the flaws in America, this place is a “conundrum of esoterica.” 

The sad thing is we’re trapped. Trapped like kids in cages. 

Trapped like my ancestors for many ages. They take what’s ours and our piece of mind. 

So why don’t we come together and bring our hearts to intertwine?

Welcome to America, Hope you enjoy your stay. But don’t be alarmed by the injustice, inequity, corruption or suppression. 

It happens everyday.

Artwork by Aidan Ventimiglia, VOX staff

READ  Authenticity [Poetry]

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comments (1)

  1. Tara Morgan

    You are amazing. I am so proud of you!