Although most of my life has come to a halt, the Strong Women Fellowship and VOX ATL continued to keep me connected, one Zoom call at a time. Read on
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"It was a really cool activity to be able to understand a little bit about the struggles that many women face all the time, regarding having to choose between feminine hygiene products or a hot meal." Read on
Since coronavirus entered the US and quarantine put the country on lockdown, musicians and artists have been forced to cancel shows, postpone recording sessions, and often not been able to… Read on
I Am Black Afrikan American, and nothing will change that Kinky coils in my hair, black and sometimes nappy Brown skin, chocolate charm, dark and happy My name is Zakai… Read on
VOX ATL's Christina Norris chats with Grayson High School senior and UpLIFT founder Isaiah Thompson about his quest to make sure all teens have an opportunity to lead. Read on
As the 2020 election field narrows to Biden and Trump, first-time voters speak out on increasingly limited options amid an uncertain post-pandemic future. Read on