Blackwashing versus whitewashing, just what does this mean? At the heart of this topic is the importance of visual representation in media. From the smallest television show, to the biggest… Read on
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Even though Atlanta is a landlocked city with no beach, there is still a sea here...a sea of creators. Within this sea, we find the versatility of different creators, such… Read on
In the 2020 Oscar-nominated drama “Minari,” the Yi family moves from California to rural Arkansas to create a new start for their family. But this film captures more than just… Read on
Although it may not be a big deal to some, mispronouncing someone's name on purpose can be damaging. Taking the time out to learn someone's name might make them feel heard and seen. Read on
VOX ATL's Tamara Morgan speaks with fellow teen actors of color to get their perspectives on working in the film industry. Read on
"Society should not be a battle of men vs. women or the world vs. victims," writes VOX ATL's Alexandria Joel. "It should be everyone vs. the rapists." Read on