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VOXCast Episode 3: Pewdiepie Says The N-Word and Gets Away With It, Again

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Popular Youtube personality Pewdiepie dropped an N-bomb during one of his live streams, but his fanbase of 57 million subscribers is still intact.

In this edition of the VOXCast, Aryanna, Carlos, Khalil, Kenneth and Mack weigh in on the controversy surrounding Pewdiepie’s history of saying racial slurs on his Youtube channel but never really getting penalized for it. The team also highlights the fact that black people who stand to be the most offended by Pewdiepie’s actions are also being left out of the conversation.

Listen to the episode below and be sure to share and subscribe to the VOXCast on iTunes.

EDITOR’S NOTE: This episode is particularly explicit due to the nature of our topic. Sometimes things get heated and the language we use reflects that, but the fact that Pewdiepie continues to be successful after having dropped a slur in a live stream speaks volumes to the mindset of the internet community and the world as a whole.

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