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Art illustration by Brian Kluttz

VOX Teen Poetry: A Face I’ve Always Known

by share

Like a shadow you will never leave
Until the sun comes out
Illuminating your darkness
You cower in regret
Watching from afar
Ready to snatch a heart
Instead, you hobble away
You cowardly lion

Your life is a flower
Weathered and withered
Big ben is chiming
Screaming at you to make a move…
Can you hear him?

I was happy for a while
In awe at your brightly colored shell
After struggling to gain a piece of your love
You were only a grapefruit.

You were a galaxy to me
I aspired to be more like you
As a sun warms a planet
And stars light the universe
Eventually you will implode
Releasing your corruption
Covering me with your shadows.

Like dogs forgiving their owner for stepping on their paws
I am your legacy but not a reflection and
I soon shall forgive you
For every second in the mirror
Is a face I’ve always known.

From a Son to his Father.
With Love.

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About Brian Kluttz

/VOX ATL Staff Writer

Brian M. Kluttz, 17, attends the illustrious Jonesboro High School. Also known as "The Wordsmith," Brian uses his gift of writing to speak life, knowledge, and truth into the ...

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