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Get ready for a confidence boost, Aries! This month you may be full of confidence, but that means you might feel led to speak before you think so make sure to slow down sometimes!

Your VOX ATL Horoscopes For March

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Aries (March 21-April 20) 

Get ready for a confidence boost, Aries! This month you may be full of confidence, but that means you might feel led to speak before you think so make sure to slow down sometimes! You should use this time to try something new you’ve been scared to try, like a new outfit. 

Taurus (April 21- May 21) 

This month will be all about self-care for you, Taurus. Make sure to treat yourself to something nice when you can! This also means you should take care of your mental health, so be sure that you’re taking breaks from work when needed.

Gemini (May 22- June 21) 

This March will be full of conversations and productivity with others! With Mars in Gemini, you may feel led to spend more time with others, so make sure you’re doing so safely. 

Cancer (June 22- July 22) 

Make sure to save some time for yourself, Cancer! This month you may feel as if you need to take care of others more than yourself, but be sure to place yourself first. You also may feel a need to be with others, so make sure you get in some calls with friends!

Leo (July 23- August 21) 

Get ready to get those projects done, Leo! This month may be a very productive time for you with the Moon in Leo. You may feel more of a passion toward things this month so be sure to use that productively and get some work done!

Virgo (August 22- September 23) 

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You may feel more emotional than usual this March, and that’s OK! Be sure to take some time to rest your mind. Things you are familiar with will help you navigate this tough time the best, so make sure you utilize them.

Libra (September 24- October 23) 

This month will bring around a great time to listen to your intuition and trust what it has to say. You may feel a need for balance in your life, so make sure your decisions help you achieve that. 

Scorpio (October 24- November 22) 

This March may bring lots of emotions to the surface, so prepare to deal with some outbreaks. Be sure to slow down and take your time when talking to others in order to not get upset with them. Taking care of yourself will be key to getting out of this month unscathed. 

Sagittarius (November 23- December 22) 

Your creativity may be sparking this month! Be ready to get some projects done, whether they be creative or not. You also may feel frustration, so be sure to step away from your project if you need to and take some time for yourself!

Capricorn (December 23- January 20) 

Be ready to take care of the Earth, Capricorn! With Pluto in Capricorn you will likely feel a need for eco-activism and doing your part in taking care of the Earth. Be sure to take care of yourself as well!

Aquarius (January 21- February 19) 

Are you feeling a sense of change, Aquarius? Because this month you’ll feel a strong need to spice things up in your life and change things around you. Make sure you don’t try to change any people, though!

Pisces (February 20- March 20) 

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This month you may feel a need for self-expression, so grab those paintbrushes! This will be the key to keeping calm this month, as emotions may run high. Always be sure to take some time for yourself and maybe journal to get those feelings out!


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