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VOX Media Cafe Update

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Starting Monday, VMC participants arrived ready to learn more about journalism and also have fun. Thanks to our summer interns, the 11 participants got acclimated with the space, learned more about VOX, and enjoyed a tour through CNN. Tuesday, the VMCers enjoyed taking creative photos in Centennial Park. Wednesday, they were immersed in VMC’s famous interviewing day with a mock red carpet event and press conference at the Hard Rock Cafe, where they got to interview and get an intimate performance from singer-songwriter Abe Parker. Thursday, the teens were able to fully use their interviewing skills and ask locals about tough social issues in the news. And Friday, teens wrote breaking news stories, which you can read here.

Next week you can expect them to begin their deep dive into the story topics their groups have chosen while learning how to shoot and edit video.

The first week of the second VMC session has started off smoothly and these pictures show just how much fun the teens are having.

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