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VOX Media Cafe 2016 – Audio, Video, Editing in Week 2

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In their second week of journalism bootcamp, the VMC participants learned the basics of video filming and editing, a concept that, as our peer video expert Mikael noted, many of the VOX interns and staffers still struggle with. “It was hard not to cut off sentences while editing the video,” says Chris Rogers, a 13-year-old VMC participant. “But it was fun.”

It was an exciting and adventurous week for the VMC participants, advancing the story ideas they brainstormed in the previous week — teen pregnancy, mass incarceration and homelessness. They went out into Atlanta to get video coverage for their topics.

The teens visited many places in Atlanta, from the city of Atlanta Police Department to a homeless shelter, in order to tackle their tough story ideas. Being able to travel all over Atlanta was 15-year-old VMC participant Maya Martin’s favorite thing about week two. “We got to go out into the field and interview people,” she says. “It was so fun working with so many [different] journalists.”

They finished the week with a fun dance party and a showcase of the final videos they’d worked all week to create.

VMC participants chat and laugh with each other while out in the field of downtown Atlanta gathering footage for their teen pregnancy short film.
VMC participants chat and laugh with each other while out in the field in downtown Atlanta, gathering footage for their video story about teen pregnancy.


Ariel shoots video of pregnancy tests and other related items for a group project about teen pregnancy.
Ariel shoots video of pregnancy tests and other related items for a group project about teen pregnancy.


Two of the three VMC teams run into each other outside of Olympic Centennial Park and discuss progress on their stories, as one group covers mass incarceration and the other takes on teen pregnancy.
Two of the three VMC teams run into each other outside of Olympic Centennial Park and discuss progress on their stories, as one group covers mass incarceration and the other takes on teen pregnancy.


Emma, VMC participant, films an interview with VMCers and Molly Casey from Multi-Agency Alliance for Children (MAAC) for their short film on teen pregnancy.
Emma, VMC participant, films an interview with VMCers and Molly Casey from Multi-Agency Alliance for Children (MAAC) for their short film on teen pregnancy.


The VMCers and their volunteer mentors take a break to hydrate and hang out in Olympic Centennial Park during an expedition to attain footage for their project on teen pregnancy.
The VMCers and their volunteer mentors take a break to hydrate and hang out in Olympic Centennial Park during an expedition to attain footage for their project on teen pregnancy.


VMC participants Jhoanna and SKylar stop on their way to Olympic Centennial Park to shoot video for their project on homelessness in Atlanta.
VMC participants Jhoanna and Skylar stop on their way to Olympic Centennial Park to shoot video for their project on homelessness in Atlanta.


Two of the three VMC groups work on their video packages with volunteers Natalie Yarbor and Dianna Tollison in VOX's editing suite.
Two of the three VMC groups work on their video packages with volunteers Natalie Yarbor and Dianna Tollison in VOX’s editing suite.

Photo gallery by Jahleelah Shaheed; story by Miranda Mullins, VOX teen summer interns. 

Editor’s note: Want to know what happened last week? See the story here. We can’t wait to share VMC teens’ videos, as part of multimedia packages, at the end of the third and final week!

Know a teen who wants to get in on this action? VMC’s second session in July has just a couple of openings. Click here. 

READ  Teens Explore Girlhood: What Does It Mean to Be a Girl? [PODCAST]

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