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VOX 5: Tips for Concert-Goers During COVID-19

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Since concerts are coming back virtually and in real life (and I’m going to see Fall Out Boy on July 27), I think I should give you some tips to help enhance your concert experience. Be it indoor or out, preparedness is the key to having a great time.

BRING WATER!!!!!!!!!!! 

This one is obviously important because you need to stay hydrated. Keep in mind some venues don’t allow you to bring food or drinks.

Eat Something Before Going 

Like I said in the first one, some venues won’t let you bring your own food, so it’s better to eat before going instead of paying for overpriced food.

Make Sure Your Phone Is Fully Charged

When you leave a concert and if you went alone, I highly recommend to call someone when the concert is over, or if you’re with someone and you get separated from them you can call them.

Wear a Mask and Bring Sanitizer

We are still in a pandemic and it’s still important to stay safe, you don’t know who is and who isn’t vaccinated. And even if you’re vaccinated, you’re not immune.

Wear Something Comfortable

Depending on the type of concert, I highly recommend not wearing your best clothes in case you get sweaty, but if dressing your best makes you comfortable, go for it.  

Because performers are coming back, these tips are beneficial for those who are going to indoor shows.

London Hawkins, 13, attends Bennett’s Mill Middle School and is a reporter for VOX Media Cafe 2021

Video screen shot courtesy Reagan Horne, VOX Teen Staff

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comments (1)

  1. Chantal Benton

    This makes a lot of sense, awesome tips !!!!