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A Teen’s Guide to Music Festival Season in Atlanta

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The music festival season has begun here in Atlanta! You’ve copped your tickets, blasted music from your favorite artists on the lineup, and racked your brain over what to wear. But, are you completely sure that you’re ready? As music festival and concert veterans, we both have had our fair share in over preparation and under preparation for such events. Here are 10 music event essentials, along with some good advice, applicable from huge festivals such as Music Midtown and AFROPUNK to smaller outdoor events.

#1. An empty water bottle

Emphasis on EMPTY. Many venues do not permit filled water bottles, as they may contain a different substance. Simply bring an empty, clear water bottle (we know, kiss your favorite travel cup goodbye for now!) and fill it up during your time there. Stay as hydrated as you can!

#2. Fanny pack

It’s the return of the pack! No one wants to lug around a large tote bag all day, not to mention hold up a line at check-in. Instead, carry everything you may need inside of a fanny pack! (If those aren’t your thing, small purses work, too.)

#3. Battery powered/smartphone plug-in portable fan

It’s going to get HOT outside, especially being around sweaty bodies in a humid area for hours. Bring a portable fan with you, whether it’s one you can plug into your phone, use with batteries, or let your hand do the work for you. Either way, you’ll be cool.

#4. Portable charger

Having your phone die mid-recording is no fun at all. Be sure to bring a portable charger with you and keep it on you at all times. You can find some great-quality ones online at, and some even have multiple USB ports, so you can share with a friend if they need a little extra juice.

#5. Sunscreen

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Though the fall is slowly approaching, summer isn’t over yet and you cannot neglect your skin! With the heat of the sun and bright lights flashing around that are practically equivalent to the sun, sunscreen makes sure that your skin is protected and under control. Be sure to check out which level of SPF is right for you, because sunscreen works differently for everyone!

#6. Sunglasses

As much as you have to protect your skin, you also have to protect your eyes. You can squint all you want, but the glare of the sun won’t hide! Stock up on some stylish shades to fend off the brightness of the sun.

#7. Cash

Ah, yes, money. It makes the world go round! But sometimes, you’ll have to kiss your credit or debit goodbye, and this is one of those times. Keep cash money on you during this festival season, as some vendors only operate with cash or getting money from an ATM machine can be a hassle (those darn transfer fees!)

#8. Hidden and forbidden snacks

Though it’s tempting to go back to that food truck for another taco, you can’t let your hunger completely wipe out your wallet! Carry small snacks like granola bars or candies to keep you satisfied. Be sure to put them in the bottom of your bag or in a secret compartment, though. Just saying.

#9. Small Toiletries

Keep the funk strictly for the music, not your body! Carry items such as baby wipes and deodorant to keep sweat at bay all day long, as well as other toiletries like and perfume or body spray to stay fresh.

#10. Bandaids

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Mishaps are bound to occur at these sorts of events. Maybe you’ve scraped your knee or gotten a blister from some really uncomfortable shoes (which are definitely not recommended) but have no fear! Bandaids can always save the day until you return home to fully treat your wound.

This list is purely suggestive, so if there’s anything else you may think you need, go for it! However, don’t carry enough items to assist the whole city. You’ll probably get stopped at the ticket booth.

Amariyah, 17, and Avanti, 17, are avid music fans and editors for the Fall 2018 semester at VOX ATL.

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