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In a way, vice presidents are like teens: often overlooked, but still very important. Read on
There is not a better time to put this movie out, especially because of the current constant persecution and killing of black men and women across the United States. Read on
Imagine walking into a lecture hall where 150 peers sit in lightly polished wooden chairs. At the front of the room stands a group of established women. On either side of the room stand more supportive women. They all like you and are only here to encourage you. Read on
When Nat’s wife Cherry says, “They killing everybody, just because they’re black,” immediately, there was a gasp from the audience. What more is there to say? Read on
Money’s always going to be a very important thing in your life. If you find things that are free, great, but most of the things you have now are not free. Somebody had to pay for them. So it’s best that you manage your money the best possible way you can while you’re still young.” - Catherine, 19 Read on
I am brown/Brown, dirt is brown/They think I am dirt, dust/ They clean me out from underneath their fingernails/Wrinkle their noses in disgust/ But no, I am brown/Brown, black soil, fertile/I am soil/I am your roots/Without me no trees/No oxygen for you to breathe... Read on