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Worried about that unexpected baggage from 2015? Forget it! New year, new you could be your mantra, but check your VOXstrology first as Dallas delivers your January forecast for 2016. Capricorn – New Year, New You ? Not at all, the past is the past the future is well defined for you. Capricorn, you were…

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“Approved Stamp – Slightly used. Like new. Denied Stamp – Heavy wear. Still functional,” reads one of the eight Steam Trading Cards for “Papers, Please.” This sentence alone perfectly encompasses the theme and story of the game. “Papers, Please” is a video game available on the Steam content distribution app. The game takes place in…

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There has not been a single film in the past year that has given me such a feeling of excitement, suspense, fear, and wonder as “The Hateful Eight.” Read on
With the release of his new film, “The Hateful Eight,” it is time to look upon the illustrious career of one of the world’s most beloved and unconventional film directors, Quentin Tarantino. Since the 1990s, Tarantino has taken what most of us think of traditional cinema and flipped it on its head, using his unique…

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"Force Awakens" took me back to that galaxy far, far away, where the films in this series could invoke awe, emotion, imagination, and pure excitement by cleverly blending together what made the original series so memorable with new ideas in the way the film is directed, written, and shot while also adding in some outstanding new characters as well as the old ones we know and love. Read on
Despite living in a more progressive time period, conversations tend to be burdened by a mandate of silence when it comes to talking about how HIV or AIDS impacts the transgender community. According to GLAAD, a nonprofit supporting the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, aseuxal/aromantic community, the term transgender is defined as “an umbrella term…

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