On a couch backstage at the Tablernacle, with the smell of smoke and chicken wings overtaking the air, 6lack and I covered a wide range of topics, from his feelings performing in his hometown to how he feels about the state of rap music right now. Read on
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I asked Stone to give some advice to me and all young minorities as we prepare for a world that expresses prejudice against us. “Expect it,” she told me. Read on
If you don’t want to experience an “I lost my mom in the supermarket” moment while in the stadium, here are some tips to navigating your way through its many floors and seating areas.
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2017 has been an astounding year for women in music, and some artists are unfortunately very slept on. Read on
Hopefully you enjoy these albums as much as I did, if not, that’s OK too. Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion. Read on
Not only did I have the chance to go the theater with my dad, but I was able to witness a show that was very creative dance-wise, with a storyline that some teens could relate to. The show hadn’t even started when I could already see it was a great way to kick off the holiday season. Read on