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Youth at GCAPP Empowerment Summit Embrace Identity

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When VOX visited the GCAPP Empowerment Summit, here’s what teens had to say regarding identity.

What do you think the world would look like without discrimination?

“The world would peaceful. Less conflict in the world. Everything would be equal.” -Norah Wiley Easterling, 16, Atlanta Girls School


What does your heritage mean to you?

“It means that it is the place that I am always allowed to call home. Who I am is home.” -Breyenna, 18

“My heritage means lots of love to me. As a person coming from a black community, I feel love is a great part of my heritage.” -Kennedy Boazman, 13, Kipp South Fulton Academy

“My heritage means my family and the Hispanic culture that I grew up with.” -Lucien Chase Guzman, 16, Lassiter High School


What is one simple thing our government can do to further promote equality?

“Improve the public education systems in lower income communities.” -Avery Hopkins, 17, Atlanta Girls School

“Try to look at issues through other people’s views so that everyone can be more accepting. The government and citizens need to put away biases and just show acceptance.” -Jahalyn Lilye, 17, Lassiter High School

“The government could work to rid themselves of their own biases, then project their views of equality outwards for the youth and younger generations to come.” -Emma, 16

“Our government could show all races the same amount of punishment and reward. For example a cop shouldn’t shoot someone of different race and it should not be ignored.” -Jael Herst, 17, New Manchester High School

“Create equity in education, without equality we cannot have equity.” -Ellie, 18, Atlanta Girls School

“Our government can put forth more child and teen programs, for children to feel more equal amongst each other.” -Eryn Carroll, 13, Kipp South Fulton Academy

“Offering HIV+AIDS testing. Improving education in inner-city schools and lower-income communities.” -Clayton Wilson, 16, Atlanta Girls School

“Not elect Trump.” -Lukas Tull, 17, Lassiter High School

“Hear the voices of all Americans, not a select few.” -James Campbell, 46, Atlanta Girls School  

“The people in office need to remove themselves from the high chairs they sit in and come down and speak to the youth of Georgia. They believe they have people’s best interest in heart, but that’s what they believe. They need to be the voices of the youth instead of baring the next words that come out of their mouths from their private school suburban lifestyle.” -William Mongue, 18, Lassiter High School

Teens visually explore what it means to be “Young and…”

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