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Art by Kalea Fresh, 15, Parkview High School, Instagram: artsy.le4h


VOX Teen Poetry: ‘Blind Justice’

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Friends, there is a miracle for praise to be!
For the Goddess of Justice can finally see!
With the balancing scales in her right hand,
Will my people finally be able to stand?

I think of all of my killed people, six feet under they are found,
Justice not delivered to them, because of the unjust clause of Stand Your Ground.
In Justice’s left hand is a mighty blade,
Could the invisible chains of my people finally fade?

Oh this is wonderful! Excellent! But…
She does not look upon the people with brown skin and curly hair,
She does not look upon the people of whom society does not care,

She does not look upon a people who’ve for thousands of years been chained
She does not look upon a people whose streets, their blood have stained.

So I suppose in the face of my people’s mighty call,
I guess Justice is truly blind after all.

READ  "Hoarder" [Poetry]

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  1. Dr. Woolfolk

    Excellent Demar!