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Atlanta Teens Share Vaccine Statistics and Their Personal Opinions [PHOTO ESSAY]

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As COVID-19 data continues to be updated, vaccines are a common topic of conversation amongst Gen-Z. It’s important that teens have these conversations with each other, because it breaks the stigma and fear around getting vaccinated. Atlanta-area teens Rachel McBride and Denise Webb came together to share Georgia vaccine statistics and their personal opinions as they relate to teens and the COVID-19 vaccine.  

“If you catch Covid-19 you might be okay, but your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends might not be.” – Rachel McBride (Source: WebMD)

“55% of people who look like me suffer from COVID in Clayton County; 350 of them have died.” – Denise Webb (Source:

“83,843 hospitalizations in Georgia; 7,567are teens.” – McBride (Source:

“As of October 3,2021, Clayton County has 33,888 cases, 623 confirmed deaths.” – Webb (Source:

“We all know at least five vaccinated people… they’re fine and you will be, too.” – McBride (Source:

“47% of Georgians are vaccinated (both shots) get yours today!” – McBride (Source:

For more reliable vaccine statistics for teens, visit Georgia’s Department of Health.

To stay updated on vaccination rates in your county visit The Georgia Department of Public Health’s COVID-19 Dashboard.

Stay safe (:

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