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Teen Action Group Tackles Healthy Relationships

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VOX brought the mic to the Teen Action Group at Planned Parenthood Southeast, whose participants spoke up about healthy relationships and preventing dating violence. Enjoy their voices via video, art and writing.

Trust is the Foundation for Healthy Relationships 

By Jada Maxwell, 17, Benjamin E. Mays High School 

There are multiple parts and key things that play into healthy relationships. I feel trust is the foundation in a relationship, and all the other aspects of a healthy relationship will fall in. For example, if you trust someone, you are more prone to talk to that person, have more respect for one another and be loyal, supportive, sensitive, understand them better and love them.

For me, it’s hard to trust others, but I want to trust. I also don’t believe on bailing on a person or a relationship when you don’t agree or you’re not ok with something. I feel … one should take a couple steps back so both parties or whoever is involved can understand the problems and they can communicate and talk about the issues.

Artist’s statement: I made a collage to highlight the stages of an abusive relationship. At the bottom is rock bottom, and as you go up starts the healing process. By Srijana Smith, 17, Paideia School


By Kura Brunfmar, 17, Paideia School

They started out as the golden couple; they were perfect. It started slowly. First he tracked her phone. Then he asked her to stop hanging out with her friends. They’re still together now, but they are no longer respected. No one wants to be them. They sit alone, by themselves, not speaking. He threatens to kill himself if she ever leaves him. She has no friends anymore.

For more information about healthy relationships and dating violence red flags, like Julia talks about in the video, visit 

READ  Role Models: How Do Women Shape Each Other? [VIDEO]

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Meet us at the PADV Teen Summit: 

Sat., March 5, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. It’s free! Register here.

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