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Abortion is never the right choice

Kids who are conceived should have the chance to live

You should never want to kill a child or hurt its mother

One tragedy shouldn’t be followed by another


Abortion can kill the mother of the child

It can stop a woman from conceiving again

Abortions hurt mentally and physically

It changes a woman’s body and soul drastically


Abortions may leave a woman scarred for life

It can break families apart

It will break you apart

It will even break your heart


Abortions should be illegal in every state

And all clinics should be destroyed

But, wait, there is still another option

Why not give them up for adoption?


Why should someone have the right to murder the innocent?

Because Uncle Sam is getting paid?

There is a double standard for this crime we know is murder

A baby in the womb has done no wrong, can go no further


How could we let this murder go on?

The next president, doctor or lawyer

We will never know the child’s future course

Just know that abortions often ends in remorse

Poem by Kymrissha Greaves, 18, Elizabeth Andrews High School, Atlanta Teen Voices Contributor

Writer’s Note:  I am currently taking Writer’s Workshop, a class based on creative writing. The class prepares me to become a future writer for multiple writing styles. I have learned how to write advertisements, movie reviews, and I’ve written various poems in different styles. In class, the VOX Newspaper inspires my work. We read articles written by local teens and students, and one day I hope teens will read my articles also. The pieces in VOX are so well written by the teens, I often think they are done by professionals. The formatting of the paper is always appealing, especially the new VOX Investigates which deals with serious teenage life issues. … I have reviewed a number of your articles and I hope my piece will be up to your standards. What I have created is a poem about my feelings on abortions, a topic I feel is serious amongst teenage girls. The poem is not my personal story, but it is my opinion on the topic.

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