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Photo by Reagan Hudson, VOX ATL teen staff

Sweet Dreams [Poetry]

by share


it looks like you’re sleeping

i wonder what you dream of

as everyone around you is weeping



the room is silent

because your voice 

is what we long to hear


The whispers.

whispers graze the walls of this home

i think we’re afraid of waking you up

afraid of disturbing your perpetual peace


Soft kisses are placed on your forehead,

we cry selfishly 

because we long for you to be here

we’d give anything to end your sleep


“See you on the other side”

“You were supposed to bury me”

but right now we are mere spectators 

as we watch you dream


While we lay you to rest

i can’t help but realize

that the silence says more 

than words could ever mean


We love you

We miss you

We need you…


and sweet dreams


READ  Authenticity [Poetry]

About Reagan Hudson

/VOX Media Cafe

Reagan Hudson is a student at Chamblee Charter High School. She is a member of the Basketball and Track team. She has a passion for music and reading. She's played the Alto Sa...

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