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Planned Parenthood Southeast’s Teen Action Group Explores Healthy Relationships

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Teens from Planned Parenthood Southeast’s Teen Action Group spoke out about healthy relationships, as part of VOX Investigates project this semester.

For #respectweek2016, we’re happy to share their voices and art.

Shining a Light on Abusive Relationships

I painted a picture to shine a light on abusive relationships. The colors change from the dark to light as awareness and help is brought to the issue.

-Maddie Kupor, 17, Paideia School

Check out LoveisRespect’s Relationship Spectrum for interactive info about different aspects of healthy to not-healthy relationships.

Healthy Relationships Need Trust

There are multiple parts and key things that play into healthy relationships. I feel trust is the foundation in a relationship, and all the other aspects of a healthy relationship will fall in. For example, if you trust someone, you are more prone to talk to that person, have more respect for one another and be loyal, supportive, sensitive, understand them better and love them.

For me, it’s hard to trust others, but I want to trust. I also don’t believe on bailing on a person or a relationship when you don’t agree or you’re not ok with something. I feel … one should take a couple steps back so both parties or whoever is involved can understand the problems and they can communicate and talk about the issues.

– Jada Maxwell, 17, Benjamin E. Mays High School 

Aware of Teens’ Health Problems

Being in TAG, I observe a lot of teen health-related problems around my school. One in particular recently became a subject of interest. One of my friends has been struggling with depression due to social insecurities. I’ve been trying to comfort her, but nothing I’ve done or said so far seems to get through. I know depression is a real problem, which is why I’m trying to stay committed to helping her through it. I think TAG has had probably the biggest influence on how I go about handling it.

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– Judah Paul, 18, Mays High School

To add your voice about dating violence and healthy relationships, join us at the #PADVTeenSummit. Click here for details and registration. It’s free!

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