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“It cannot be made any more clear that Donald Trump is a danger to this country,” writes VOX Contributor Terell Wright, 17. “His headache-inducing performance and rhetoric at the debate Tuesday night is only a sample of what another four years will be like under his leadership, which is a grim reality that must be prevented.”

Opinion: After Tuesday’s Debate One Thing is Clear: Donald Trump Is a Danger to America

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There is no question that Tuesday night’s first 2020 Presidential debate held at Samson Pavilion on the campus of Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, was abysmal. President Donald Trump was loud, obnoxious, and hate-filled. He came into the debate heated and ready to blame and spout his divisive rhetoric that might’ve once worked in 2016.

But the America we live in now is nothing like 2016. The America we live in is now in economic destruction, due to the lasting effects of COVID-19. More than 200,000 Americans are now dead, and millions more are going to sleep tonight mourning the loss of a loved one who has died from the virus. 

A substantial amount of America’s small businesses are in complete and total ruin. Millions of teachers, students, and parents are struggling to find some sense of normalcy, as COVID-19 has continued to prevent them from safely returning to schools. 

On Tuesday night, Donald Trump displayed the absolute worst of this country. He was argumentative and combative with the moderator, Fox News anchor Chris Wallace, who had to tell him numerous times to abide by the agreed-upon debate rules, as if the president were a toddler. 

Trump questioned former Vice President Joe Biden’s intelligence, hammering in that Biden wasn’t “smart” because he “graduated at the bottom of his class.” Putting aside the fact that there is a pandemic that has ravaged so many American communities, attacking the Vice President’s class rank goes to show how detached and disillusioned Trump is from the average American. 

As a student who isn’t at the “top of his class” and aspires to have a future in the political field, I am disgusted by the president’s remarks. His comments are a spit in the face to millions of American students who desire to change this country for the better in the future, regardless of grade point average. 

The unhinged President Trump didn’t stop there with the insulting rhetoric ,though. The president used Biden’s son, Hunter Biden’s former drug addiction as a political device to come after Joe Biden’s reputation. 

Millions of Americans have suffered and currently do suffer from drug addiction in this country. It’s something that has affected many of the communities and states that voted for President Trump, like West Virginia, and only furthermore displayed Donald Trump’s disregard of regular Americans. 

The president was given a softball question, asking if he would disavow and call out white supremacist groups like the Proud Boys, an organized domestic white nationalist group that is known for their instigating at protests. 

Any normal American would immediately take advantage of this question and make sure it is made 100% clear that they do not condone or tolerate racism in any way shape or form. Instead, Trump told white supremacist groups to “stand by.”

There’s no question that Donald Trump is a racist. But to openly give legitimacy and directly address a hate group, telling them to “stand down, [and] stand by,” as if they were military force awaiting his orders is terrifying. It shows how closely tied the president is to these hate groups and how little regard he holds for minority Americans. 

It cannot be made any more clear that Donald Trump is a danger to this country. He has failed with his response to COVID-19, failed to show Americans how he will make this country a better place for all, and has failed time and time again to denounce racism and bigotry in this country. Donald Trump’s headache-inducing performance and rhetoric at the debate Tuesday night is only a sample of what another four years will be like under his leadership, which is a grim reality that must be prevented.

Above screen capture is from CSPAN 2’s live feed of the presidential debate held on Sept. 29, 2020.

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