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The hour and a half I sat through “13th” was one of the most eye-opening of my life. What angers me most is how the justice system, so clearly demonstrated in this doc, is still hurting people of color and abusing minority communities. Read on
Can “Moana” live up to so many expectations while still standing out in Disney’s vast library of animated classics, or will it ultimately drown in waves of disappointment? Read on
But what exactly is racism? How does it differ from related terms, such as prejudice or discrimination? I asked a few teens and looked up some official definitions. Read on
In this issue of VOX Investigates, we tackle a variety of issues relating to race that affect Atlanta teenagers — from the school-to-prison pipeline to social media and racial beauty standards. We have made it our mission to try to include as many voices and perspectives as possible, but we also realize that is truly impossible for us to represent every viewpoint, issue and racial identity that exists within the city. It is not our intent to exclude anyone, nor do we consider this issue a definitive look at race in Atlanta; instead, we hope our work is just one part of a larger ongoing dialogue that needs to occur within our communities. Read on
If I'm black you’re silver? Okay I'll be brown but why are you now pinker? Wait so let me get this straight As long as I'm different then I don't equate? Read on
Real teens share their opinions on dating violence, healthy relationship, and the relationship between gender and dating, in regards to the treatment of dating partners. The Center for Black Women’s Wellness is an organization dedicated to aid black women, as well as men in Atlanta, by providing resources and services regarding health. The CBWW also…

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