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#WHYIMARCH: Is My Life Less Important Than Your Right to Bear Arms?

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Students are being killed in a place in which they should feel the most comfortable: their schools. A school is a place in which a student should feel compelled to voice their opinions, grow into their personality, and be able to develop into the next generation of leaders. But this generation lives in fear.

There have been over 20 school shootings in 2018 alone. 20-plus schools have been shattered by the effects of gun violence. In the recent Stoneman Douglas massacre, there were 17 victims. 17 lives ended. 17 people who will never see their families in this life again. 17 victims who deserved so much more.

We’re enraged because of this, and wonder why politicians aren’t. Many officials have made absolutely no pushes for common sense gun laws but half-heartedly send their thoughts and prayers. We welcome their pitiful responses, but we demand legislation and reform. At what point will our leaders take action? At what point will I wake up for school and not wonder if it’s my last day? At what point will I feel safe on my campus?

We are students, we are scared, we know we are unsafe, we are the next generation of voters, and we are coming for elected officials who don’t support common sense gun laws. The NRA’s Washington minions have no place in deciding whether we, the youth of America, are the next school shooting headliners.

I march because I wonder… at what point is our right to not be murdered more important than one’s right to bear arms?

Ava Young is a 9th at South Forsyth High School and one of the organizers of March For Our Lives Atlanta, a youth-led, nonpartisan call for common sense gun legislation. The march is set to kickoff at 11 a.m. this Saturday, March 24, at the Center for Civil and Human Rights.

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