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January VOXstrology

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Worried about that unexpected baggage from 2015? Forget it! New year, new you could be your mantra, but check your VOXstrology first as Dallas delivers your January forecast for 2016.

Capricorn – New Year, New You ? Not at all, the past is the past the future is well defined for you. Capricorn, you were having a tough time acclimating to your social standards, however, it’ll all work out soon. You are about to go into a new space and it will be all worth your struggle.

Aquarius– Just say no! Last year, you grew yourself tired by doing any and everything for other people, but this year is about perfecting you. Go into everything with a new mindset and don’t steer astray.

Pisces– Hello Pisces! I am going to be honest with you: your luck this year definitely is not looking good. There is someone in your love life that is disrupting it all causing only commotion. However, if the bad energy goes away, the sun will start coming out for you. Hopefully, you’ll figure this out sooner rather than later.

Aries– You have always had a lot of curiosity now use it, this year is all about trying new things so get to it! You’ll have great adventures and even meet some new friends along the way. But you have to stay focus, make a goal and reach it.

Taurus– Happy New Year Taurus! This year of your life will definitely be a challenging one, however, good news will come about your future career. It’s time to get that cash and put your all into your future.

Gemini– Your charm, wittiness, and social skills are great, but this year you’re gonna need a little bit more determination to meet all your goals and expectations. Go the extra mile. Even consider taking time to give back to the family, and especially friends, who have given back to you.

Cancer– 2016 is definitely going to be a prosperous year for you. Much like a Gemini you have a very witty spirit cursed with tons of charm that is gonna work to your advantage this year in relationships. However it seems as though your academic career may be a little troublesome. Stop relying on the work of others to get you through.If you try, you will succeed on your own.

Leo– Could 2016 be your year to spark a romance? I guess we’ll just have to see but first things first take care of yourself. Start this year with a healthy daily routine whether it be for your skin, hair or even stomach. Your pride and independence will force you into a lot of trouble, but you’ll get through it — you always do.

Virgo– Entering 2016 you already have many opportunities presented to you in the world of romance, however, don’t abuse this privilege. Remember that taking advantage of people for the things you want will only create bad karma for yourself especially in the near future.

Libra– Last year might’ve been a little depressing in the end but don’t give up because nevertheless “happiness” is in the key word in 2016 for you. However, don’t let all this happiness lead you astray of your goals you want to accomplish.

Scorpio– In 2015, just about every area in your life important to you grew beyond considerable measures. However, 2016 is more about chilling out and becoming more humble toward the people around you. Just as you got everything you wanted, the universe can also be there to take it away.  

Sagittarius – Last year, you connected with some people but also left some people out. Consider these measures when moving into 2016. Your love life has also been overwhelming but all signs are saying to back away. Something better and new is out there. Your romance and social life have been a distraction in reaching your goals and you don’t even see it. Take time to get to know yourself again instead of trying to keep up with everyone else.

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