I’m not here to teach you anything. All I want to do is create stories where you can read it and be like, "Yo, he looks like me, sounds like me, he’s dealing with some things that I may be dealing with." Read on
Race/Ethnicity / all
Events like this remind everyone that teens do a have a voice — a loud and creative one at that. Read on
In today’s society, I feel like I should hate my race. / I should flat out bleach my skin white, turn my hair blonde, get blue contacts and change my name to Amy. Read on
Being white is a blessing, but it’s a shame that you’re not rewarded for your talents but for your skin color. You don’t realize how privileged you really are. Read on
Preferences: Mirror, mirror on the wall/Who is the ugliest of them all? ... What to say/to a little black child/When she asks/why has God made me this way? Read on
When I learned that I would be attending a college where 75.9 percent of the student body is composed of white people, I immediately found myself anxious about whether my blackness would be accepted. I shaved off my hair, telling people “I just want a new start.” But I really did it because I did not want to face the awkward looks in the dorm’s bathroom. Read on