Editors Note: Cleave Poetry is an experimental form of poetry that allows the reader to look at a poem in parts or as a whole. Both the left and right sides… Read on
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“It’s a great shock to realize you're black” in America. And me being raised in white suburbia, that line is all too true. Read on
But I do know that you’re the water I won’t pour
No need to water the plants of a world that’s so crossed
I have no way to run now, so together we’re lost. Read on
I was supposed to be a fly on the wall
Just an unbiased observer
But when the chants turn gospels
And the streets of Atlanta turn to holy
You must become congregation... Read on
The day had arrived to go back to school
Freezing winds were nippy and cruel
All of a sudden as if a switch had flipped on
The birds in the forest were no longer gone Read on
The wooden stairs creak more
My edges grow, leave, and grow again
Nostalgia becomes a person who haunts my daydreams... Read on