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As I Grow Older – A Poem from “Let’s Talk About Race” Event

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The wooden stairs creak more

My edges grow, leave, and grow again

Nostalgia becomes a person who haunts my daydreams

As I grow older

I vacate my hometown

I vacate my familiar faces

I vacate the room that I had

Transformed into sanctuary, into surgeon’s table

Into confessional with no accepting father on the other side

As I grow older

I recognize how nigga I am

How Africa I am

How women who runs with the moon

How women who is silenced by stars

How magically masculine I am

As I grow older

I will try to be beacon of hope

I will try to ingest the knowledge of

Every ancestor and their friends and their enemies


I will try to love myself

Completely, every painful bit

And every glorious piece

As I grow older, I will be…


Interested in poetry? 

Maya Angelou Rise EviteOn Saturday, Feb. 18, VOX is partnering with Georgia Public Broadcasting (GPB) to celebrate Maya Angelou’s legacy with And Still I Rise Teen Spoken Word Workshop (1-2:45 p.m.) and Poetry Slam (3-5 p.m.).

Bring friends, bring poems, bring yourselves for an afternoon of art not ego and inspiration! IT’S FREE!

Click here to register.

VOX welcomes Atlanta-area teens’ original poetry for publication. Just email your work, along a headshot or piece or accompanying piece of art, with your name, age and school (if in school) to

READ  "Hoarder" [Poetry]

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