Even though studying abroad can seem out of reach, giving yourself the chance to experience a new culture allows you to understand your own from an outside perspective, develop unforgettable friendships, and overcome apprehension toward financial constraints. I ultimately decided to go for it. Read on
International / all
Nineteen-year-old Naomy Grand’Pierre, who grew up in Atlanta, heads to Rio today to compete in the 50 meter freestyle swimming event with the Haiti team. VOX shares what life is like for this teen Olympian. Read on
An original poem by Grace LaFlotte. Read on
Aziz Ansari’s new Netflix series, “Master of None,” was released to critical acclaim earlier this month. Celebrated for its stylistic humor and effortless social commentary, “Master of None” has been deemed… Read on
Teen reporter Anita Rollins covered the International Day of the Girl sponsored by the National Center for Civil and Human Rights October 10, 2015. Here are a few of the photos from the event. Read on
Hispanic Heritage Month celebrates Hispanic culture, coinciding with the national independences of Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Costa Rica. Since 1968,the cultural event has been celebrated from September 15th to October 15th. Read on