“Pretty Woman: The Musical,” based on the hit 1990 romantic comedy, is an emotional ride. The actors brilliantly displayed every feeling throughout their portrayal at the Fox Theatre on Sept.… Read on
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Gen Z, the generation teased for our sensitivity and told to get over ourselves. But does our sensitivity make us crybabies or just more aware? Read on
Pop music is ever-changing. Tastes shift so swiftly and completely that it can be hard to keep up. I love pop music and its many iterations. From grunge pop to hyperpop, bubblegum… Read on
Many struggle with finding new books to read, including myself! This selection of reads might help you explore new genres, stories, and adventures. “I Love You So Mochi” by Sarah… Read on
With a refreshing take on R&B influenced by music stars of the late 90s and early 2000s, rising London-based girl group FLO brings a fresh energy to the music scene,… Read on
In this episode of Teens Talk TV, VOX ATL Summer Interns Zariah and Zariyah rank the main characters of ‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’. To follow along with us, check out… Read on