Dear Self, When you stand in front of a mirror, your hands slide over your skin. Your fingernails never dig into your flesh, but make no mistake. You have never… Read on
Atlanta Teen Voices / all
VOX joined Partnership Against Domestic Violence Teen Summit to give teens a chance to speak up about what matters to them about dating, dating violence and healthy relationships. Through participating in VOX workshops… Read on
re:imagine/ATL's "NO COMMENT" is a digital network featuring content conceived, produced and distributed by Atlanta teens. The first episode, 'Identity,' premieres tonight, opening night of the Atlanta Film Festival. Read on
This poem is for the broken combs and blue magic For pink lotion and just for me texturizers I sat for 5 hours In a hot salon that smelled of… Read on
The room at Emory was full of excited teenagers from different schools around Atlanta. The workshop was about leadership and about developing leadership skills while highlighting what a leader truly is. The interaction and engagement from the teens stuck out to me the most during the workshop. They all seemed so enthused to be participating and quick to share their opinions. Read on
Daniel Arsham creates an aura of hidden absurdity — these concepts of time are right under people’s noses but often fail to be acknowledged. Read on