VOX ATL reporter Ramaya hit the streets of Atlanta to ask random people when they last received a compliment and challenged them to say three nice things about themselves. Read on
Atlanta Teen Voices / all
The internet usage of teenagers is a current phenomenon and it will certainly continue to be a staple for most of Generation Z. Read on
When always on the go both mentally and physically, a good playlist may be your only salvation when your mind starts roaming aimlessly about “you-know-who.” Read on
The war in Darfur, Sudan is also known as the Land Cruiser War, is a crisis and conflict that started in February 2003, when different movements such as the ‘Sudan Liberation Movement’ and the ‘Justice and Equality Movement’ groups started speaking up and against the government. Read on
"With all of this fake information flying around many people are left wondering how they can actually make a difference to help those suffering in Sudan," writes VOX ATL's Emma Mac. Read on
I finally felt like women could be heard and believed and that the time for protecting abusers was up. But after awhile, I couldn’t help but notice one thing about the #MeToo Movement: It's just so white. Read on