Abira of Lonsdale was the princess-to-be If it came down to it, She would choose the crown, Having the crown meant happiness, Pleasure, Wealth, Delight, Yes, in her eyes, it… Read on
Tag Archives: teen poem
I’ll start a revolution, make my own brand./ I’m blocking out all the white noise;/ but your eyes are like a black hole, I just might give in. Read on
Fallen leaf,/ Fallen leaf,/ Why have you left your tree? Read on
and a movie./ This isn’t the kind of town that people/ pass through for more than business or family matters. Read on
— for whatever reason. Maybe they misplaced something on the/ kitchen counter/ or forgot to leave something there. Read on
I’ll check out as soon as I can, really/ Different cities — I have a list of places where you’ll find my bones/ someday when I am a dead thing that is dead. Read on