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Art Credit: Jordan Bartlett

Love or Royalty [Poetry]

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Abira of Lonsdale was the princess-to-be
If it came down to it,
She would choose the crown,
Having the crown meant happiness,
Yes, in her eyes, it did,

She despised everything outside of royalty,
Everyone who wasn’t it,
Someone like me,
A poor young lad from the West Midlands,

The poor and the royal could never be,
Yet, never wanting to be seen with me,
She willed,
She willed to run away with me,
She willed to remove her soon-to-be crown,
She willed to flee from her royal seat,
She willed to leave her family’s demands.
She willed to risk it all,

The heels,
She would not suffer,
No, not any longer,

Even if it meant denying the throne,
She still willed,
Whether wrong,
Whether right,

When it came time to accept the crown,
The prince got on his knees,
I asked her, “Will you choose love or royalty?”
His head points down,
His hands reach for the ring,
“Madam, it would be my dearest honor if…”
She uttered,
She ran away,

Her mother was confused,
She could not comprehend,
But neither did the so-called princess,
She too did not understand,

The truth behind the crown has changed,
Its title has been rearranged,
It means Lies

And although she’s through,
she’s still won,
That’s true,
Not the crown,
But Love,

Now, the crown means nothing,
It was never hers to hold,
She places it down,
And speaks only two words,
“My apologies.”

She could not continue on,
But she still wears the crown,
Not on her head.
However, in her soul,

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She is divine,
She has the strength of a lion,
To reject the throne,
You must first have defiance,
Ready for any challenge,
Having the strength to will,

Be brave,
Stand tall,
Be real,
That’s what it means to wear the crown,
I’ve tried to tell her once or twice,
She realizes now,

She’s changed her mind,
Fought the fight,
And whether wrong or right,
She’s found love,
Yet, but still
We’ve got a Princess tonight.

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