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My freshman year was filled with ups and downs, highs and lows, and surmountable obstacles; however, I conquered them all. I have given myself the task to provide as much advice as I can to get you ready for this new level. Read on
This movie is a reminder of the importance of sisterhood, teamwork, and pure talent. Read on
Watching a film about a tragic event that happened 50 years ago, I felt as if it could have been a clip that I would see on the news tomorrow. Read on
Would Tyler’s latest album save me from the anxiety surrounding my move to college and all the other insecurities in my life at the time? It did, sort of. Read on
VOX Media Cafe Session 3 was summer camp on steroids. Teens who have been on the VOX staff or in previous VMC sessions returned to Atlanta’s teen newsroom for a more advanced dive into journalism, multimedia and teamwork. They ate ice cream at BBDO ad agency, chased Carl Azuz through the esteemed halls of CNN, drew…

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The economic benefits, jobs and education associated with the booming film industry in Atlanta are all fantastic, but this question still stands: Where do young people fit into this new industry and how do we get involved? Read on